some problem on compiling jm10.1 using vex compiler

Usage of VEX tools

some problem on compiling jm10.1 using vex compiler

Postby ppy » Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:48 am

The h.264 video codec reference model JM is downloaded from

I want to do some benchmarking on VEX platform.

when compiling the video decoder ldecod, some error is reported by vex cc compiler, while the gcc can accomplish decode executable binary.

vex cc command line and option is like this:
vex/bin/cc ${FLAGS}

gcc command line and option is like this
gcc ${FLAGS}
FLAGS= -ffloat-store -Wall -I$(INCDIR) -I$(ADDINCDIR) -D __USE_LARGEFILE64 -D _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -lm

The VEX cc report:

compiling object file "obj/biaridecod.o" ...
"src/biaridecod.c" 2, line 135: error: syntax error
"src/biaridecod.c" 2, line 135: warning: undeclared initializer name dep
"src/biaridecod.c" 2, line 135: warning: struct/union or struct/union pointer required
"src/biaridecod.c" 2, line 135: warning: struct/union or struct/union pointer required
"src/biaridecod.c" 2, line 135: cannot recover from earlier errors: goodbye!
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:09 am

Postby frb » Tue Dec 13, 2005 6:56 pm

The only problem is that the files - as they come from - have DOS newlines, which the VEX compiler dislikes. So, just run dos2unix on all sources and you should be all set. You also have to fake a memory.h (not included in the VEX distro) and do a couple of other minor edits. This solves it on my machine.

You do have a bigger problem though: VEX doesn't support the int64 datatype, which is used in LoopFilter.c. So, you'll have to do some juggling to get that working (it doesn't appear to use 64bits really, so I suspect it's not that hard).

-- Paolo
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